Monday 30 May 2016

Mr shark

Creating a story map is a way to help you understand and summarize the stories you read.  When you make a story map, you identify the basic story elements, such as the characters, setting, conflict, and important plot events.
Read your story. Create a story map using google docs under the headings on the template provided. Share your story map on your individual blog after you have edited it.
Story Map
Title: Mr shark.
Author: Joy Cowley
Characters:Girl,Boy and Mr shark.
Setting:Under the deep water.
Conflict: That the boy and the girl might get a bite from the shark.

Resolution:  That Mr shark is going to save the boy and the girl.

Beginning:  That Mr shark had no teeth like a shark and he had no teeth at all.

Middle: That  Mr shark is very old like the old people but Mr shark is more storingger.

End:  Mr shark went down to the sea and save the boy and the girl.



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