Monday 25 February 2019

Week 4 Home Learning


Who sang the song All I want for Christmas?
Mariah Carey
Where did Reggae
originate from? - Jamaica
Where did the Blues originate from?
Where did opera singing
originate from? - Italy
Name two famous opera singers and insert two
of their songs in this document.

Renee Fleming - Casta Diva & Dark Hope


Placido Domingo - Link & O sole mio

Artist focus:
Name - Ariana Grande
Birthday - June 26 1993
Place of birth - Boca Raton, FL, US
First recorded song - Put your hands up.
Country of residence - LA - Los Angeles
Her journey to fame - Ariana Grande began
performing on stage when she was just a
child. Her involvement in Broadway play
at age 15 and a program that few of us
may know “Sam & Cat” or even
“Victorious”. Her first album was released
in 2013 called ‘Yours Truly” her 2nd
album was released in 2014 -
My Everything, 3rd album 2016 - Dangerous
Woman, her 4th 2018 - Sweetener
and her 5th album which was released this
year is - Thank u, Next. Her popularity
has been included by her social media
which are - Instagram, Twitter, YouTube
and Facebook. Ariana now has
over 33 million subscribers on Youtube,
146 million fans on Instagram and
61 million fans on Twitter.
She has become so popular as the years
go by…..Hopefully she’s enjoying
making music and other jobs
that she may have.
Name two string instruments

Name two wind instruments
Insert a picture of your favourite music artist
here and a description of why you are a fan
of this artist.

Name - Ann Marie (Slater)
Age - 21 years old
Music style - Pop

I have been a fan of Ann Marie for
a month now. I started listening to
Ann Marie when her song ‘Secret’
came out. Then, I followed most of her
social medias and I came across this
song -  Handle it and is now currently
my favorite song by her (In my opinion).
Ann Marie is a very open singer,
she doesn’t just write any songs,She
opens up about her life. When she
dropped her first hit for 2019 Secret
she opened up her relationship with
YK Osiris. She now has 535K fans
on YouTube. I’m just so in love with the
way she opens up about herself
and her music is just
‘FIRE’ and it really stands out.
1 kg = 1000 grams
1 tonne = 1000 kilograms
1 hour = 60 minutes
1.25 hours = 75 minutes
1 leap year = 364 days
1 kilometre = 1000 metres
5 minutes = 300 seconds

Word problem
A school is setting up a WiFi system for a block of three classes.
The units they are installing are advertised as allowing four people to
each use two devices at once. Each of the three classes have 23 students and a teacher.
If everyone is limited to just using one device at a time, how many units are needed
to service the three classes? - 9 units

Who am I? Roald Dahl

What am I famous for? Writing books.

List down 10 of my work.
Who are some characters I have created? List down three and tell me what you know about them.

Matilda - Very small but Smart
BFG - He’s a big friendly giant
Willy Wonka - Chocolate lover



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