Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Types of Plants - Pterophyta

Focus Questions:

1. The use of the Pterophyta plant is used to make ale and folk medicines
2. It is found in New Zealand in the forest/bushes, about 250,000 ferns are alive today
3. Many Pterophyta plants are grown in any moist, well drained,
shady site with alkaline soil (it is also qualified for sun and water)
4. - Ferns

5. Interesting facts
  • A Pterophyta tree can be noticed easily because it looks like a tropical fern.
  • Pterophyta produce spores that grow into heart shaped gametophyte.
  • Pterophyta live in moist habitats because they require water of
    successful fertilization.

  • Pterophyta are seedless plants that belongs to a group
    of Pteridophyta.

  • There are around 12 000 different types of Pterophyta or in
    her words ferns.

  • Pterophyta lives among the oldest living organisms on the planet.
  • Ferns do not develop flowers and seed. They reproduce via miniature
    cells called spores.

  • Pterophyta are also known/called ferns.
  • Pterophyta/Ferns are a traditional New Zealand native tree.

  • In New Zealand, us Kiwi's use Ferns/Pterophyta as native trees to represent the country.

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Reading Activity - Create Activity

For Reading this week My reading group and I have been learning about plants and about the lightest wood in the world! In the journal we learnt different type of ways you can make things out of Pine trees and Whau trees. The Book was written by Jill MacGregor who loves going around the pacific islands and writing little, small and simple story for young students. This is my create activity from what I have learnt about the Whau tree.

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Reading Activity - Batten - The lightest wood in the world!

                         The Lightest wood in the World!

What kind of seed do Whau trees have? ( What do they look like?)
Tiny brown seeds that are spiky/prickly.
How do the seeds travel around?
By Humans! Humans pick them up/off and through around.
What are one of the reasons for there not being many Whau trees left?
What did the boys do to prevent this from happening?
Because the possums eat it.
Explain why you think the raft made out of pine sank when lemons were added?
Because the pine was soaked and still wet not dried.
How much does one pine weight the same as?
Where In the book does it say this?
Page 21, When the boys were weighting one piece of pine and it weights the same
at 3 pieces of Whau!
What kind of raft did Jed and Colin make?
They made a Dry Whau raft.
How many lemons were out on Colin and Jeds raft?
What happened when they were put on?
4. The raft was able to hold 4 lemons without floating below the water.
Why did the raft made out of dry Whau float high but the raft made out
of green Whau float just below the water?
The dry Whau raft floated higher because it was dry and light, and the green
Whau floated below the water was because it was wet/soaked in the inside.  
What wood is the title of the text referring to?
The Lightest Wood in the world. ( Whau Tree )
What are some actions you can do to help save the Whau tree?
You can kill the possums. Grow the Whau trees somewhere else.
Build an Attack/Fence.

Activity 1.
Write a response/email to Jill MacGregor about you
opinion from the text you read.   

Dear Jill MacGregor

Hi Jill MacGregor, Your book about the lightest wood in the world,(the Whau tree)
is a really interesting text. It had lots of information about the Whau and Pine tree.
Also there are a few questions about why you wrote this particular
text instead of writing about another tree. Some of my questions are
Why did you write this text?
What was the purpose behind this text?
Did you have to do much research about the tree?
Who are the character in the text?
All of these questions are just to help get why you wrote the text.
Well apart from that Your text is a very nice and simple text
for young kids/students but it also does have lots of information
for older kids/teenagers/students.

Activity 2!
Create work/activity.
